IDES Global Pvt Ltd
IDES Global Pvt Ltd

IDES Global Pvt Ltd

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Pune, India
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About the company

IDES Pvt. Ltd. is a innovative company, providing engineering, drafting and information technology enabled (ITES) services to the Architect, Engineering and Construction Companies throughout the world.Located in Pune, Maharashtra, India, IDES offers extremely cost-effective services in the Engineering Design, Detailing, Machine Drgs. , in the Field of Cold Form Steel Structures, under the leadership of Consulting Engineers, Corp. located in Reston, VA, United States. This model of functioning takes advantage of the time difference between India and its client's location, to offer faster project turnaround time.We believe that the cost-effectiveness and quick turnaround time offered by IDES will significantly enhance the competitiveness of our clients.IDES was formed as a private limited corporation to enable it to pursue emerging business opportunities. Prior to its formation IDES was a branch office of Consulting Engineers Corp (CEC), a US based structural engineering company, for more than a decade. During this period the branch office provided engineering and support services to CEC, and developed expertise in serving the US engineering and construction market. As such IDES staff has knowledge of its various codes of different counties and business practices in use specially for Lumber Structures.To achieve its goal, IDES along with CEC, works on Engineering Software, which are enhanced from time to time, developed by its own Software Team. Software Development Teams has knowledge of working with International Codes of Practice for criteria development and its implementation.

IDES Global Pvt Ltd

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