Good Flippin Burgers
Good Flippin Burgers

Good Flippin Burgers

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Pune, India
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About the company

GOOD FLIPPINโ€™ BURGERSยฎ was launched in 2019 in Mumbai. The brand currently has a total of 34 outlets and rising across Mumbai, Delhi, and Pune with a headcount of more than 350+ employees. With 20 stores across Mumbai, the brand has also made inroads in the Delhi NCR Region and Pune with 11 and 3 outlets respectively.It started with the simple aim of creating a haven for foodies that serves fresh delicious burgers that are priced right. Since then, the burger chain has been flippinโ€™ hearts from one customer to the next, every day across all its outlets.

Good Flippin Burgers

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