Global Infocloud Pvt Ltd
Global Infocloud Pvt Ltd

Global Infocloud Pvt Ltd

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Pune, India
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About the company

Global InfoCloud (GIC) is one of India's fastest-growing premier IT and marketing service providers, with digital branding prowess and a global footprint. We have expertise in helping multilateral clients in their endeavour to build digital infrastructure for a better future. As a fully integrated IT firm, we connect unparalleled expertise across services, markets, and geographies.At GIC, we work on every infrastructural element of the project from concept or pre-planning stage through execution which also includes operational management and support. The unique feature of Global InfoCloud'sinnovative service is the value addition imparted to each of its services. We pride ourselves in our ability to communicate with clients and understand their business needs. We always rise above the expectations of our valued clients which is why GIC has become a trusted consulting IT service organization. We have nurtured many successful partnerships to involve the most innovative, challenging and effective IT and growth business models throughout 12 countries on three continents viz. Asia, Europe, and North America. Our corporate value system revolves around our core principles. We have worked with more than 200+ corporates across the globe and achieved their desired goals.At GIC, our utmost motto is to plan the project carefully so that our partnership with clients remains to strive for the twin goals of project excellence and sustainability. What makes GIC unique is its team. GIC is propelled by the creative energies of our professional team of more than 100 members who help transform great ideas into realities. Our team is a collection of some of the best minds in the industry. We have a unique culture which is based on meritocracy and fairness. We believe in a matrix organization that is professionally well-managed.

Global Infocloud Pvt Ltd

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